Movie Thread VII: Adrian's Revenge

Edit: She may have been younger. Really bad judge of age… :-S

End Game. It all paid off 9.9/10.

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I didn’t get into it so much, not nearly as much as everyone else around me. Full on tears either side of me.

I was starting to get a bit restless and ready for it to be finished with about an hour to go.

It was good enough, very clever, tied things up well. But it wasn’t “the greatest thing ever, life changing, perfect film” that the social media voices have proclaimed.

America’s Ass is not that funny.

Korg was.

Peter Mayhew has died

John Wick 3 somehow lives up to the others as the best Western action series currently going around.

I found the first one to be a bit boring, to be honest, even if Keanu Reeves is pretty awesome. Haven’t bothered with the second yet, but the preview of the third looks like a lot of fun so I might have to catch up on it.

They have just gotten wilder each time and the world’s lore is being built up a lot each time. The first one is the weakest IMO.

that’s funny as I thought the first was the best and second one let it down a bit. Still to watch number 3 though

Also, watched Train to Busan on the weekend. Considering the last Asian movie I watched was Kung Fu Hustle, thoroughly enjoyed it.

John wick 3 is the best action movie since the raid 2.

Great judo throughout.

That scene in the weapons shop is insane!!

Yeah maybe my favourite scene in the series so far.

Deadwood movie out tomorrow, cocksuckers.

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Can’t wait. Was trying to do a rewatch, but have run out of time.

Probably in my top 3

So deadwood wqs pretty much perfect.

I saw the new Godzilla today. The monster fighting was good. The other 70-odd minutes was some of the worst writing you’ll see this year.

A new version of Apocalypse Now?

I need new pants.

Great. All we needed in 2019 was an opportunity for Nick Giannopoulos to revive Acropolis Now.