Russia v Ukraine - WWIII or Putin's cliff dive?

This shit is really not helping. Just emboldens Putin and his lot in their view that the West are soft and will fold every time. Can we get the Supernanny in?

When has it ever?

To be fair, the west are soft, especially the Europeans

Ukraine is a hotbed of Deep State money laundering and corruption. This has been proven. Why has Ukraine been so important to Clinton/Obama/Biden?

I wish we could just do this.

The whole thing is do depressing that another country can just invade on a whim. The western “leaders” have really no clue how to deal with it and the planned and calculated decades of eroding democracy with info wars have really played into Putin’s hands.


These have both been shut down

That NFT idea is genius

The real issue with the worlds response to this, is its a dry run for China’s invasion of Taiwan.

I wouldn’t be surprised if China makes a move within 6-12 weeks.


The Russians are bringing mobile crematoriums with them to conceal the number of their dead.

So this is going well.

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You can fuck off with your bullshit Deep State QAnon conspiracy theory shite.


Their dead, yes…

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fuck off you idiot. People are fucking dying that have every right to live and you come up with this fucking bullshit you dickhead

No terrorist propaganda on this forum, please.

this one is still current. It’s a local citizen from what I can tell. Sound on this one as well. Assuming the other ones switched off to prevent troop movements being broadcast etc.

The only difference next, is that, if he wants to continue expansion, the only options are NATO countries, which would require a direct and stronger response. In saying that, you’d think he wouldn’t be THAT stupid. Ukraine was always a toss up as there’s no proper alliances in place. Still you’d think that if a stray rocket was to land in Poland, for instance, there’d be some decent mobilization happening on the Polish end.

Russia walling themselves off from the rest of the world. Either experiencing/expecting cyber attacks.

Anonymous indicated they were targeting Russia. Whether they do anything or not… Would be absolutely mental if the Russian’s were seriously hampered by random hackers…

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Apparently there were only 13 soldiers stationed on the island.

Good on them. They knew they were probably going to die anyway. I love that response though.