State Politics Thread (non NSW)

The problem with not doing the Gabba is that apparently it’s close to end of life anyway. If they’re not building something else or rebuilding the Gabba it’s going to be screwed in a decade in any case.

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I can live with them not spending 2.7b on it though?

As long as you’re not getting 10-15 years down the road and spending another 2-3 billion (or by then 4-5 billion) on a Gabba rebuild!

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They’re going to bail on the Olympics aren’t they? Because a bunch of self-important hicks can’t decide what to build. This will fuck into obliviion any chance of Australia getting awarded any major global sporting event for a generation.

Who the fuck would award an event to a country that turns round and hands it back a few years down the line?

I thought that was the Commonwealth Games?

I said global sporting event, not jumped up school sports carnival for the colonies that didn’t eject the English by force.



It’d take a big set of balls to bail on the Olympics though. I can very much see them asking the Federal Government to step in and finance part of it, or, if worst comes to worse, use some of the Sydney venues. I can’t see the Federal Government accepting that Australia just loses the Olympics of all things

There were a few events IIRC that were played outside of Sydney and NSW in 2000 IIRC. I don’t see why it’s such a big issue.

Personally, instead of a City, it should be hosted by a nation - like the World Cup.

From memory it was just football I think.

The only thing interesting about the Olympics is football & boxing. That’s worth 2.7 billion dollars.

Combine both with toddler racing, and you’ve got yourself the ultimate triathlon.

I confess, I would absolutely watch toddler boxing.

I am a terrible person.


The fact that our football is chronically underfunded (even more in that state) than others, and is getting sweet FA in terms of dedicated or even appropriate facilities. Hick state, hick government.

In saying that, it’s reportedly going to cost Victoria $560 million for the failed bid, and the auditor has noted that they’ve overblown exactly how much extra it would cost the Victorian Government to go ahead with the bid

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But it’s Victorians, notoriously thick.

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Maybe the AFL told them they don’t need any facility upgrades at this stage. In that one horse town, that’s the only horse with a voice.

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QPS at it again.

Reynolds died by suicide in 2018 while he was being investigated for multiple child sexual abuse offences but was given a full police funeral with honour guard in Launceston.

Reynolds took his own life while under investigation over multiple child sexual abuse offences in 2018, but was given a full police funeral with honour guard in Launceston, a decision Police Commissioner Donna Adams has since apologised for.

She said the 2008 investigation, triggered after an interstate police officer overheard a conversation at the police academy bar where senior members of Tasmania Police called Reynolds a paedophile, “should have uncovered Reynolds’ conduct towards teenage boys”, but did not.

She found there was no evidence of misconduct by police officers in investigating Reynolds, but said “far too much focus” was placed on the risk of reputational damage to Reynolds, which was “prioritised over risk to the safety of young people”.

So in 2008 it was so known that he was a predator that other officers are chatting about it in a bar. However it’s only investigated because someone from outside that force heard it. A decade later he kills himself while under investigation - AGAIN - and they all know it and they give him a state funeral.

The investigating officers made protecting his reputation more important than the victims of his crimes… but that’s fine and it wasn’t misconduct.

They then included his death in a coronial inquest into police suicide… Coroner urges six-monthly welfare checks after inquest into four police suicide deaths - ABC News

What the fuck is wrong with this country.

So instead of developing the Gabba for a proposed 2.7 billion and getting lasting benefit from it QLD has decided to spend 2 billion on a temporary stadium that will mostly be disassembled afterwards - and only has a 40k capacity.

Very, very strange.
