The travelling circus: stadia discussion

Presumably with live ALW broadcast at these times too!!

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SFS now selling Mountain Culture. Huge development.


Which one?

Is that at the bar behind the Cove end? Good news, I was pretty gutted when they got rid of Batch.

Being a mountains lad, I was pretty excited to try the status quo after all the awards.

Slightly disappointed, though still pretty good. I’ve got some Lord Nelson three sheets as well, and it tasted like a weaker version of that.

That’s the best news I’ve head for a while.

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I’ll be leaving the car at home a few more times
This season!

They must be doing a push - Just read that mountain culture are taking over the just vacated atomic Brewery site in Redfern/Waterloo in November.

They are now in Marrickville, Manly, Redfern (soon), Emu Plains and Katoomba. They must have some cash, given every other brewery is either closing or shrinking.

They apparently have very large family money backing.

I went into the Katoomba brewery for the first time a couple of weeks ago. They sure do like a hazy.

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that leap before you think attitude suggests lots of money!! :sweat_smile:

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I’m guessing they were also paying excise rather differing it during Covid where they were banging out new beers every week and shipping them by the thousands to people who had nothing better to do than drink on video calls while playing cards with mates.

Guess no more!

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Manly you say?

Haven’t they already made bank from the sale of Modus Operandi?

It was terrifying how much beer and whisky I was going through during that period…

Although isn’t the whole collapse of so many breweries based on the fact that the government isn’t allowing them to pay off their debt from during Covid rather they’re forcing them to pay it all up? All it’s doing is sending them bankrupt and the government just loses out more.

All the Govt are doing is protecting the Japanese mega brands continue to dominate our market, while not protecting local and independent brewers, it’s terrible.
But yeah I really sampled a lot of independent craft beer during Covid, it was great. It gave me a big head start in pumping my stats in the Untapped app :laughing:


Craft cartel was amazing for that, before they stopped doing individual beers

Craft beer, is NOT proper beer. In actual fact, it is shite.