Also, not sure why we treat our away supporters with such great beer and don’t have it at the other end.
Also, not sure why we treat our away supporters with such great beer and don’t have it at the other end.
Bring back the Sea Bass Lager!
& We can’t even get cup holders
Probably just put in to try and justify crazy pricing
I have cup holders up in the clubhouse.
So seems the completion of the carpark for the SCG / SFS might be delayed after discovery of an access shaft to a spur of Busby’s Bore prompted a redesign and drop from 1500 spots to 1428, with some interpretation and remains kept in the carpark.
Full plans can be found here
Ludicrous that an underground water tunnel is so important from a historical perspective, the idea of making it viewable is even sillier.
Are you kidding? It’s so cool!
Sydney literally collapses without it.
In the colonial era.
Before federation.
It’s kinda important.
I’m glad they stop and redesign in the face of discoveries like this.
If this was Rome and they discovered some ancient artifact, you can bet the construction company would keep it hush, lest the project be delayed by years by the archaeologists.
Pretty good that we can just say, “righto, we’ll just go a bit deeper over there so we don’t need to damage the heritage”, and everyone is cool with that.
They literally JUST discovered a whole load of historical landmarks last year in Rome, based on construction projects…
There’s a McDonalds in Rome that has displays of Ancient Roman architecture in its design
I hope future generations will be able to enjoy this marvel
Beverly Hills. Strangely uniquely ugly and identifiable.
Reason why the infamous Line C of their metro system as taken so many years to build. Keeps having to stop when finding historic items.
I’ve got a BA Hist for a reason.
That’s not far from that old reservoir on Oxford Street at Paddo, must have fed from/to that I guess.
I love what they did with that reservoir. Great place to visit.
I’ve got a mate that was working for a company that was contracted on the sydney light rail. He said they dug up colonial and aboriginal sites/artifacts every couple of days and that it was common practice from all companies on that project to pour concrete footings over it as soon as it was dug up to prevent sites being shut down. Good to hear a workers reporting funds rather than destroying them.
Part of the reason as well, is that the government can be very loose in what is considered heritage listed. We know a person with a property out west you was digging and found a covered up ammunition storage shelter. It was literally an empty room underground, if reported, they would have had to stop work and lost a big portion of their property as it would have been heritage listed. Now i’m all for preservation of history, but the thing was 60 years old at the time and had been knowingly buried to allow for building. It’s not like it would have added much to the historical record (if anything).
The club advertised a happy hour between 4pm and 5pm for this afternoon’s game in the match guide posted on Facebook. I ordered some beers at 4:55pm and they came up as full price. I mentioned that it was happy hour and they told me that it finished at 4:45pm and were being pretty stubborn about it.
I showed them the match day guide on my phone and said that unfortunately that’s what’s been advertised so they need to honour it. Had to be the guy who asks for the manager, but it was the difference of almost $10 for 2 beers. They did it in the end, but the manager was pissed off (not so much with me, but that the details that the club had advertised were clearly different to what he thought the deal was).
The guy behind me then said he’ll have the happpy hour deal as well which of course went down well