Long story short:
Long story short:
Interesting. Certainly I recall from the prior game that the TV screens advertised happy hour from gates open to 15min before kickoff.
You are my hero for today.
I’m sure that it’s meant to be 4:45pm, it makes more sense, but it was advertised to run until 5pm.
Not sure how it’s disgraceful.
Sydney FC put the wrong information in the program. He was just following what should have been in place - as someone else mentioned it was displaying as finishing 15 mins prior to kick off as per the big screen.
There ain’t much better than watching your team win while drinking a locally brewed craft beer on a warm summers eve, regardless of where the money flows. I’ll never deny myself that pleasure.
Fair enough on this occasion, though I (and I think many others) have had a pretty bad wrap on SFS pricing historically, so it is very easy to jump to conclusions.
Pricing is pretty rough. To be honest though, it wasn’t that long ago that you could only get overpriced and slightly warm VB. I went though a period where I’d only drink beer before games (at The Bavarian) and not buy any from the stadium. I much prefer being able to get a decent beer, even if it’s a bit pricey.
On the food front, when the stadium first opened the quality of the food was pretty good and there was a wide variety. This has really dropped since, and a lot of the food outlets don’t even open on match day, even on days when you’d expect a larger crowd.
Solid Chicken schnitty & beers at a pub pregame.
Sneak in a flask of Vodka/whiskey into the game. Buying a $5 coke.
More beers at a pub post game.
I’ll only buy food if I have come straight to the game from somewhere and don’t have time for a feed pregame. At worst, I’ll just do a cheeky Maccas run postgame.
I buy beers when I’m with my mates because inevitably we’ll all buy a round, but I’ll complain horrendously at paying $45 for 4 Super Drys.
Im wondering if the club gets charged more for more food options?
I doubt it. The club would get a cut of ticket sales. Food options etc. would be for the stadium to decide based on how much they think they’ll profit from the patrons.
It’s a rental agreement with the stadium though isn’t it? I would assume that increased amenities for guests would mean an increase in costs. Same way as, if the club was to close off part of the stadium, they would incur cheaper costs, as was happening with Palmer on the Gold Coast
Yeah look it’s not great - but it’s a captive audience with no other option. So priced accordingly. Capitalism…
Part that, and part I suspect higher costs being an occasionally used venue with mostly temp staff.
The more used lower deck bars and food outlets might open 70-80 events a year, the upper deck probably under 10.
And I don’t think any of the Paddo pubs have beer under $10 these days unfortunately.
The plus side is you can find plenty of pubs close to the stadium that aren’t owned by Justin fucking Hemmes. No way I’m ever buying anything in that stadium.
There was a similar issue in the clubhouse, but they ended up putting it through as 2 for 1 for a few people that were asking about it, and were very friendly about it.
On the food options - it’s absolute garbage, worse than the old stadium now. We used to be able to grab some stuff to feed our daughter, but it’s deteriorated already to the extent that we have to bring our own food (or grab a bite somewhere else prior).
Surprisingly, the longy in lane cove had hawkers wcipa for $10 a schooner the other week. Was quite impressed at the pricing.
Hawkers went out of business at least 6 months ago.
I’d like to check the Best Before on that keg.
They went into administration, were still trading and have joined up with white bay!
Two of my favourite breweries.
Given most of our games are late afternoon/evening, the club should be keeping an eye on this, it definately affects the experience. I mean, it smells bad even if you don’t eat anything.