The weather thread: smalltalk edition

Not a great night if you were catching a flight. I
Got to the airport for a 7pm flight and only got the notice that it was cancelled at 10.

Still got me out of a work thing I didn’t want to go to anyway so that’s something I guess.

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My dog, who hasn’t set up her own SFCU account yet, asked me to post on her behalf that the words “terrific” and “storm” do not belong in the same sentence.


What’s her opinion on:

  • Cup holders
  • Preferred Portugese chicken joint
  • Pineapple on Pizza
  • pineapple & beetroot on a burger
  • Favourite Shapes flavour (and do they taste better having been dropped on the floor?)

I’m expecting a multi to pop up now :rofl:


I flew out at 630. Thank god i just missed it!

Just got home from a walk just before it really started bucketing down. Only a little drenched.

Our pizza got delivered just as it was hitting.

Absolute win for me. Less so for the delivery bloke…


I’m 33 in a weeks time. I’m not a climate change denialist.

But I swear to fucking god I don’t remember Sydney being this goddamn fucking humid.

The last few days have been outrageous. I’ve gone through 3 t-shirts today, after looking like I’ve jumped in the pool with them.

When I was on holiday in Cairns about 5 years back it wasn’t this humid. Yeah, it was humid, and hot, but it wasn’t sticking a hot towel over your face humid.

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cliMatE ChanGE HapPenS aLl tHe tImE!!!111oneoneone

Its stickier than a boarding house bathroom. Went through 2 shirts trying to clean the bathroom.

The air definitely has a swampy vibe at the moment.

Just started bucketing down up to the north. Hopefully take some of the sting out of it.

Edit: Did not last long.

This morning was fine. Warm, overcast, and then we had those storm roll through from 10am, next minute it’s sweatier than a Singaporean armpit.

Temperature at least isn’t 25 feels like 31 anymore and is dropping…might be able to sleep without aircon tonight!

Terrible day to go to a festival. Thought I was back in wet season Darwin…

I saw a report on tv by the BOM during the week that said that it is an unusual weather pattern in that the humidity doesn’t normally push that far south however it isn’t unheard of. It’s the lack of fronts coming through the Bight to drag it away that’s the bigger outlier.

As for lived experience, this is what summer was like for us up here when I was growing up. We’d regularly be playing cricket in 35+ degree temperatures with the humidity above 50%. You’d then get a day or 2 of storms and it would cool down for a few days before the pattern repeated itself.

I think some of the issue is that it’s been a very long time since we’ve had a summer like this. The last hot summer was 2019 when the entire eastern seaboard went up in flames but the humidity was very low due to being in a 3 year drought. This was the same back during the millennium drought where we had hot summers relatively devoid of long periods of high humidity.

It was hot yesterday. Thankfully today will be less hot.

Hectic light show rolling in from the NW, superb balcony viewing. :tumbler_glass:

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Battern down those hatches. We’re in for a right peach baguetting.

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We just copped a flogging, 20mm in about 45mins and crazy lightning.

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The lightning is non stop. It’s like being at a rave.